Monday 11 June 2012

Kalafina In Malaysia

  9月6日...我最爱的Kalafina终于来大马开演唱会了!虽然不是他们自己的演唱会(与其他明星一起的)...可是还是赴汤蹈火去了那演唱会. 起初,本人很有兴致地去叫很多人,可是就算当当去那个Anime Festival Asia而已他们都不肯...真的是对他们失望及了...=.= 因此,选择自己去,而且只可以迟去(没有交通)...
  这个AFA及演唱会其实我很早就plan了,而且已经很早就跟他们讲了....可是=.=....不过,大概5点半左右,当我一抵达PWTC时,看见好多Cosplay呀!顿时,一切不安,失望的感觉都没了...当时,就想到与偶像们的距离更近了!...心里就开始跟着音乐的旋律舞蹈,开始Pump Up了!...由于演唱会时间还早,所以便四处走走.哪里可以说关于动漫的一切应有尽有,例如一切动漫CD,娃娃,模型,专辑等等....特别提到那里比较吸引我的是海贼王的Merchandise,这也太多了吧!此外,还有很多人去买模型刀,特别是死神一护的天锁斩月和海贼王Zorro的三刀流...
  走下走下看到许多人正在排队....原来他们是排队去Maid Cafe & Butler Cafe 享受美男美女的款待...过后又看到很多人坐在地上排成一行很长的龙,原来他们是要去霸演唱会的最前面(那些拿站着的配套)...还好我那VIP配套不用排队...^^只是有点吃亏因为他们的light stick(VIP包的)给完了... 最后,我终于看到我要的东西了...Kalafina的第三张专辑和衣服!我不管三七二十一跟那专辑给买下了!至于那件衣,我很后悔当初为何没有买!

  终于,演唱会即将开始了...这可以说是我地一次去演唱会,所以特别兴奋...哈哈我的坐位是H20, 是地八排最中间的一个...和大台的距离只有十米左右...由于自己也是很高...所以可以看得一清而楚...只是我的坐位一直给spotlight照着...有时还很刺眼的...第一个出场的艺人就是Maon Kurosaki!...虽然我不认识他, 可是她很会带动气氛,使全场High起来,而且人又非常漂亮...第二个出场的就是Aimi...她...人是走可爱型的路...可演唱会是他是最冷的....好可怜哦...最后,当然是我期待已久的Kalafina要出场了!!! 出场前, 那些坐着的VIP们顿时站起来,全场一起喊:Kalafina! Kalafina! Kalafina!..... 看到原来大马不止我一个粉丝,其实全场的人都是为了Kalafina而来的!!!
  突然,荧幕上出现一些画面,音乐(Magia)也开始播了...他们可以说是全部艺人出场最华丽的了!!! 很多效果都是为他们做的...看着他们出场的那一刻, 我感动的泪都流下来了...他们唱的每一首歌全场都跟着一起high翻天....Magia, Lacrimosa, Kimiga Hikari Kaete Iku, Sprinter(这首歌的出现在次被感动了)Destination Unknown, Ongaku....最后To The Beginning...

  到了尾声时,主办单位宣布我们将有一个Autograph Session...这时的我立即出去排队,身手敏捷的我,从最前面跑到最后面,出门,然后排队...haha...排在最前面几个的我...当Kalafina走过时当然是第一个向他们招手的拉!! 最衰的是主办单位不允许我们拍照....不然我就能与他们合照并放为profile picture....当到我时,我跟他们说aligato...他们也跟我说:Aligato...oh...这是…我的心就给他们这句话给溶的能当场晕下来了...特别是Keiko那笑容....oh....^^....haha一人一个签名,就这样我拿完了他们三个的签名...那么近距离(握手的距离)的靠近偶像...真的是发梦一般....


Thursday 15 September 2011

15/9- 2nd Week at UMP Pekan...

  在UMP Pekan接近两个星期了......上课还算ok...才开始吗...当然拉....只是上数学时感觉特别闲,第一课教回Indices And Logarithm...一摸一样....只是多一个ln而已......发现马来人真的数学很差,明明中五时已经教过了,做法也一摸一样,可是他们却问东问西......那老师也是的,根本对自己的答案没有信心,时常要看一张纸,明明对了还要问我们对吗.......突然觉得Pn.Liew Poh Peng & Miss Lee好棒哦,他们应该教大学...

  对了,这个星期最特别是制水.......=.=星期二时,我的屋子变成公共厕所,人们一直来这儿借厕所...=.=到了星期三,整栋楼都制水...要上个厕所都有问题...这是屋外有一个小小的tanki,我们就拿桶去装水......这种事情很久没有在我的生活中发生了...装水时要排长龙,好难得才装到一桶水...这一桶水,就给我用来冲凉...这时,我练了一个神功,那就是用一桶水冲凉,而且水还有剩!!!(虽然只是那么一点点...)过后就用这一点水在去装过,虽然只是装半桶,可是够我洗衣了...还好,星期四洗衣时有水来了,可以洗衣....唯一的问题是衣服很难干,宿舍的design Epic Fail!!!最好笑的是我的roommate...他的衣服没有办法干有底裤短缺的现象.....^.^

  星期四(15/9)Tun Dr Mahathir 来我们的大学讲座...上完数学后我们踏校巴去Gambang分校听这位伟人的金口...听这厮的讲座还瞒敬佩的,内容丰富,而且句句真言都在暗示别人的不好,特别是美国和第五首相...美国只是面临经济问题,可是他从头到尾都在强调美国已经破产,而且利用主题(Cabaran Pemimpin Masa Hadapan)来暗示第五首相...最经典的一句,一个领袖要给他时间来证明自己,可是当发现他只是庸才之辈,不用等四,五年才拉他下台,应该一年就搞定了....终结,只可以用一个字来形容他-老毒蛇!!!....赞!!!这毒蛇的见识太有意思了!!!

Monday 12 September 2011

13/9-My life at Pekan starts now....

  4/9-Today was the day-register and begun to study at Pekan. For many, this was very exciting but for me, I fell boring and sad. They don't know how 'kampung' this place it is. I saw the UMP Chinese blog that they all write it out how exciting they are....=.=

  I woke up 730am today, way too early for me during this holiday. After preparing myself, we departed at 830am and reach our destination around 1pm. At the beginning the road was smooth as there is highway from Kuantan to Pekan.  But after that we gone to a maze....=.=  We follow the signboard n there is many kampung-kampung road. There we really can see many classic Malays village around UMP. Well the scenery was nice but I had no mood to think about it. And...finally we find our UMP Campus Pekan. The entrance was simple, treated politely by the guard and police in charge(this was the only special thing i fell UMP proud of....^^). Then we went to my hostel-KOLEJ KEDIAMAN 5 BLOK E GROUND FLOOR BILIK 501.....Well, my university design about similar with Nottingham, there is a very big circle roads with many roundabout, and many small circle that circles our hostel and other block-block. After unpack my belongings, we(with family) went to Pekan town to have our lunch.

  Pekan town was quite nice decorated, got the feeling of Royal Town. I can see KFC and A&W only while 2 chinese restaurants....=.= Even if i got car if i drive to pekan town also take about 20 minutes and need to circle the huge roundabout which is very fuel wasting. Well our lunch is quite nice, as my last pork meal.....After that we return and wait for the orientation(named MINDS) started. Well my hostel is awesome!!! It is a new apartment, which we are the first resident of it. Therefore, everything is new especially the table, so big that even bigger than my house. The only bad thing is there is many design bug especially the toilet and the floor is very dirty as full of the semen particles(keep sweep also cant sweep it all, therefore i buy a slipper for room use....=.=)
  The orientation week was a total hell!!! Everyday we only allowed to sleep for 4 hours(from 1am till 5am only) and the programme was well planned with talks which we had listen it twice(we listen to same thing at Gambang)......Oh my god, why those Fasilitator arrange us doing the same thing twice....The best thing is the Moral Session(for non-Muslim), which we keep on have refreshment such as dancing and video clips. Although the dancing sometimes quite boring(they keep repeat chicken dance and ayumi dance which we dance before although i love ayumi dance....), there was some dance that is nice...^^(for example queen of the night which is fast and yeng, which more like our school dance). Beside, the food during orientation also awesome as we no need to pay and allowed to unlimited refill(as many of them ponteng orientation and some don't want to eat). This is due to the food in Pekan is very expensive!!! RM5.00 PER MEAL!!! Besides, Pekan Campus really is a wasteland(for now). There are many land around our campus which havent develop yet. And the sports facility is very limited, which we only have kayak, futsal, volleyball, sepak takraw and basketball. The internet line also very slow if compare to Gambang(Gambang already consider slow), which i download a movie with 1-3kbs in Pekan compare with Gambang TM-Hotspot(20-50kbs), with Gambang LAN which is way more better and my house which is 100x greater. But the most annoying thing is facebook video clips and youtube video clips banned completely, which i cant excess it and i cant see any video.

  12/9-Today is the first day that lecture start. I woke up 830am as the first lecture start at 10. The first lecture is Computer Programming, which all mechanical students attend. After that was English for Technical Communication, which first time attend my new class. My new class, M03, is a total new and unfamiliar class. The class was total IMBAlance, which all are male and I'm the only Chinese. There was no 1 i know as I'm the only 1 come from M02. It feels like I was in danger zone and wan to get out this class quickly. Allow me to use chinese. 这时我想起空之境界的一句话,人是一个只会活在自己的箱子里,一旦走出这箱子就会走向灭亡的边缘。这句话在那戏里有更深奥的意义,可是还满适合我的情景...就跟那句话改一点儿....人是一个只会活在自己的箱子里,一旦走出这箱子就会感到不安,焦虑,想要逃避....可是,在箱子外的世界凭着坚强,毅力,忍耐来努力寻找,开拓新的箱子,那么一切不安,不祥等的感觉都会随着时间而漂流......这也说明,箱子是自己找来的,只是要看你有没有这坚强的心去早......

  今天是八月的月圆之夜,也就意味着中秋节.....虽然senior们有庆祝,可是我却miss了.....起初心里有点不平衡,可是听下音乐,sms祝贺下朋友,也过得瞒ok的....特别是 Yuki Kajiura Fiction 2:The Image Theme of Xenosaga 这首音乐,在这时特别有味道,心里就因为今天的遭遇跌入谷底,那音乐就从谷地把我心带入高朝,在那高潮时心里的感觉就好像跳舞着,好像把一切不满都由心中的舞蹈而给丢了....


Saturday 3 September 2011

4/9/2011 - 三只色狼与七位美女...

  刚从Bukit Tinggi 回来,就要准备回去大学的东西,晚上还和St.John们吃饭,回去前还有这一丁点的美好回忆.Bukit Tinggi 真的好爽哦!!! 第一次去的感言,子可以说完美!!!想不到大马还有那么漂亮的地方,我真的大开眼界,觉得自己是只井底之蛙....这个Trip,非常悠闲,不赶时间,要做什么就做什么,自由自在,而且还自己准备食物呢!!!我们这十个人好棒哦!!!本想描述这次的旅程,可是等下早早就要回去大学了,就写下感想而已...等有时间下次或许再补会吧....
  这次的Trip,真的非常悠闲自在...感觉有如小鸟一样.哪儿的空气清新的很,第三天时我的脸很明显感觉fresh,一摸上去真的滑滑粉粉有弹性,只可以用pok pok chui这三个字来形容.M02 (Kara No Kyoukai 2 OST)在我写此文章伴奏着,就好像催化剂一样,一张张的影像在我脑海中徘徊,一股股的回味充满了我的心.当然少不了另外两只狼与七位美女,因为有了你们让这trip添了许多色彩.标题纯粹开玩笑与添点色彩而已,请多多包含....^^记得Yi Sern(你名字很难找,所以用英文=.=)有带他的纪念册去,脑中出现一道光,就让小人为你们再update你们的纪念册吧...

  首先就由第一只狼-狼头(Yi Sern)说起:我们的狼头,一开始就为了这次的trip而烦,烦,烦......可是在他的坚持下这trip还是成功了,敬你一杯.再看你的护肤品包罗万象,让我一头雾水,觉得自己对这一切什么都不懂,改次有这方面的问题就拜拖拜托了...再敬你一杯.过后,发现你看了Final Destination 5后,你的笑话就有点变态....而且你还瞒自恋的,一直自拍...^^拍到没有Memory了...XD

  第二只狼-Bear Bear狼(扬彬纬)-我知道你一定非常不爽我写你的,可是还是想写,请大人你多多包含...^^...这只狼呢,非常非常的自恋,不管到哪儿他都一定要自拍,而且天天都set头发,一set还要set很久.....不过没有了他,我们的照片就少了高人的指点....^^


  第二位美女-狮子美女-我们的king,把我们这些狼当这toolbox....=.=......不要以为你拿了best plkn camper 就很威哦,你好歹也是一头狮子....XD...你的38性格还是没有改,可是没有了它你就不是你了...^^很喜欢你的开朗性格,让这trip添了许多色彩,还有你的厨艺...^^

  第三位美女-萍妈美女-哈哈我不懂该放什么美女,这名有点奇怪吧...我们的二厨,最有影像是你准备的蘑菇汤....好好喝哦!!!还有,你有一张照片非常有艺术感(多谢bear bear 狼),很好看leh!!!放成你的profile picture 吧...^^

  第四位美女-月亮美女-我们的camera woman!!!haha你在哪儿为我们拍了许多照片....^^而且非常谢谢你的sms....有如强心针一样....^^

  第五位美女-大家姐美女-去了这个trip后,我发现你超38的!!!你本性如此还是中了gigi virus? 而且去了哪儿天天都听到你在唱歌,听到你那可爱的声音超好笑的鸭子声(上次去唱k就第一次听你唱歌,感觉一样好笑)哈哈不要生气哦......感觉更加认识你的真面目了....^^不错不错...^^


  第七位美女-宜保美女(我比较想叫你EPIC 美女....^^) - 你...真的很epic!!! 每次去trip你都是焦点......EPIC!!!...你的经典拍照post,手势,还有很多很好笑的照片;你的台词:‘我不会最早睡,’‘我不要睡觉’.....结果全部都是马后炮.....=.=最EPIC的还是你的腿.....真的很EPIC!!!不过没有你的EPIC,我们就少了欢笑,...^^最后真的很开心认识很没有image的你,真真的你....^^


Wednesday 17 August 2011

18 August 2011-Conclusion for Sem 0...

In just a blink of eyes, I have been at home for 2 weeks. Yes it is sem break now for 1 month, a happy thing to be honest...^^ another 2 weeks, my Sem 1-real semester will be started soon.

Sem 0 generally can be said as ok. I have make up some new chinese friends, which they form a group name UMP 华裔大学生天涯, of course Malay and Indian friends too. Besides, I have the best hostel life in Malaysia, which my hostel is single story terrace house instead of apartment. Furthermore, I have more contact with Malay friends which I have learn more about their culture and more understand their thoughts. I also first time make my trip to the East Coast in my life, which I had been to Kuantan and Teluk Cempedak.

Well, lets start with my new friends. Those chinese friends are not as crazy as Yuhua students. They don't play like us. I tried before but the feedback is...they cant continue or they don't want to play....=.= But, they all are proz!!! Many of them get many A's. Besides, they got join many competition and take prices, and have a good communication skill although many of them also same like me-from Chinese secondary school. Of course, they are very good in social-in other words pretending or 做作. Well, this is a skill I need to learn from them in order to survive in this school. Although I dislike it, but I must face reality. Like Neo say, if you don't know this, you will 吃亏 to those Malays. Ya, in secondary school I am myself, play with friends without any holdback and...I don't pretend like here. Yes, I need to learn that skill. Cham!!!=.= I have experienced it at here. If you do not have a good relationship with the Malays, you are dead. For an example, they are good in making you their leader but at the same time, they will backstab you or they want you to finish all the work...=.= But of course, I have meet a few Malay friends which is good. They are high caliber, which they can do work and do it well. Of course, their result are magnificent too!!! Those are the 1 who I like them. They are well educated, which they have inner goods to be learn. I love to hang with thems among Malays as many of them are my classmates. Sometimes some Chinese at there are even worst than them.

As I say before, I lived in a single story terrace house, which 2 person 1 room and 1 house got 4 rooms. This is a paradise!!! It feels this month I come here for vacation instead of studying....XD... Although it need to walk for about 2km to reach my lecture hall or other place, but here we can do many thing. For an example, our school does not allow us to cook but we cook steamboat and eat together. Besides, at the last few weeks in UMP Gambang, our daily life like party. Everyday we have a 'night club' at D20-which is my house...=.= We play dota at there by many friends bring their laptop, set up and start the party, chit chat, playing around and many things else. The most frequent activity is dota tournament. We always play dota at night and play till 3am.=.= Crazy ha? XD Besides, the atmosphere was catalysed by Neo's new speaker, which has a good bass and heat up the party!!!

Well, I have know a few Malays culture. For an example, boy do not shake hands with girl. This reminds me my first lecture. I introduce myself to a girl as requested, and I wanted to shake hand with her, but she looks stunned and does not giv a normal feedback. At first I thought she was no manners, but after knew their culture, it is I am the 1 who are no manners...=.= Besides, they are very loyal to their GODS and i found out that they very serious about 'menutup aurat'. They will 8 a girl that does not wear tudung and many things about this term. Their thoughts have filled with Islam, which sometimes you use science,logic and social laws to explain but denied by them due to crash with Islamic laws. Therefore, 做作 is a must to a Chinese as their mindset is always crash with us and they always think they are right!!!

My first time to East Coast also happen in these days. Kuantan is not a nice place. It is about the same with Kajang(of course much more bigger), but the food is more expensive than KL and there are only 3 shopping complex....=.= Teluk Cempedak is a nice place, which we have been there and sleep beside the beach. What a nice experience!!!

Well, this semester can be said as paradise compare to coming semester. As a conclusion, this semester can be said as ok. Most happy thing is I get my first 4.0!!! What a good start!!!

Thursday 14 July 2011

15 July 2011-Before, During, After Briged Siswa Camp.....

-7 July 2011, Thursday-Before - Today it just nothing special....morning sleep until 10am....then go to MPP for asking sponsorship till 4pm, as usual. The only thing special is, i need to pack up my luggage for brigged siswa camp. From other friends who had experienced it, i heard from them that i need to prepare many pants(especially track bottom) and shirts. Therefore, I have pack up my bag full with clothes and water(like going vacation). At night, as usual, we are having a Dota party(Dota party here is crazy...^^) It is my second time joining this party(normally I rather stay at home online and watch drama or continue my FEAR 3 or finishing my tajaan work). But, how unlucky is, we was 'caught' red-handed by our hostel fellows due to they having meeting just opposite row of us. They having a spot check and has caught many smokers. We are the 'lucky' one among them because we just like prisoner get snap some pictures and then they just give us warning. So unlucky!!! My second time only(their numerous time) already encounter spot check....==..But we are not guilty!!! We done nothing wrong!!! Playing a game is there any problem? Come sue me la!!! You all want us to tension and suicide? Brainless fellow!!! I am Pupu....So easy get influenced? So easy drop result? If like this i cant even get 3A in my SPM!!!

-8 July 2011, Friday-During - Today is the first day of the camp. Due to the gathering of campers is at 6.30pm, i run a normal university student life by contribute to MPP....=.= During 6.00pm, i bring along my luggage and go to the bus stop. At there, I found out that from my class only 2 guys-me and magribi....How lonely we are...^^....Besides, there are only 3 chinese included me- Seng Zhong and Jeff Leong aka public vomit figure...^^(he makes many many people dislike him).... So, our journey starts at 6.30pm.

We reach our destination about 7.00pm. At first, I search for the toilet and enter it. OMG!!! When i just enter, the mosquitoes is so crazy that u cant even imagine it. Hell so many!!! When u just walk across the toilet, you will feel your skin is get hitted numerous times because the whole toilet is filled with mosquito. They are not biting you but just fly over and hit you!!! If 1 person bath at here alone he will die due to loss of blood by mosquito!!! Well lets describe the toilet. The toilet is a big tank for public bath....And there are only 5 toilet rooms with only 1 room is lock available. Besides, the water is very limited. After that we are asked to set up two camps for rest. The camp is very big, which 2 combine together can fit 70 person for nap. There is something funny happen during that camp(personally opinion...)...It just 2 camp need all 61 boys to done it? What the fxxx our person in charge thinking? Many of us just sit there and watch them do it. Luckily they dont scold us not contribute anything. Or else really is a big joke. Besides, those Malay friends how come set up a camp need us 2 hours and havent finish yet? How come? OMG!!!...We set up the camp from 745pm till 945pm also havent finish yet. When is time to sembahyang then you want us chinese and indians to finish it? We no need rest or wad? So imba!!! Luckily there is a Malay guy can skip sembahyang and finish it(actually he wan to be the leader of all of us, cant stand let the chinese or indians to be the better 1, and want to be hero....)...Then let it be....You have a good start, but unfortunately you dont have a good brain(tied up everything without connecting the pole and the roof...then untied it and tied it time wasting it is....=.=) Finally reach 1030pm we havent finish our camp yet but is time for dinner. We are the 1 eat at the last, that means leftover only. 'Luckily' there is excess in leftover, but the food AJK is an Asxxxxx!!! How come they are so racist? thought we chinese are beggars? So obvious you all get so many food and we are just half of it....=.= Nevermind, 我忍!!!

After our dinner, we having a ice breaking session. It is one of the boring session. Well, at first we are given piece of picture of the animal. Then find other 5 person who has the same animal as you. Then make a group and start the activity. This game we have played till midnight 3am. After that we are allowed to sleep till 6am. Well this night i can sleep only for less than 1 an hour. It is because that so called hero sleep beside me....=.=His nose got a big problem that whole camp was affected by him. Plus, he cant sleep steady and keep hit me...=.= pity me cant sleep for the whole day.

The second day. After our breakfast, we went for jungle trekking. This activity was awesome but it is the most dirty jungle trekking i have faced before. At first, it was just normal jungle trekking with many thorn plants. Therefore many people was suffering minor injured. Then there was a river. How do we cross it? The person in charge tied up a rope across the river. Then, we cross the river with the aid of the rope only. This is so fun!!! But the thing is i need to wait 2 hours until my turn (i was at behind the team). This is due to ladies really funny....although we are at behind still we can hear their scream of fear.....^^ they have take us many time because they keep stuck in the middle of the river and shout with their soul...^^ Plus the faci(short form of facilitator) keep say that there is leech and crocodile...^^ In addition, the river is quite deep....The water level reach the nose of a girl.....After that there is incidence happen.....The faci lost!!!! OMG!!! But still we are manage to get out(although inside there we waste many times to try an error on the road....=.=) And the exit is very special-an exit that leads to Sungai Pahang!!! is an exit that u must jump into Sungai Pahang. And guess what, the Sungai Pahang is very wide!!!Luckily that part is very shallow...Before i jump into the river, incident happen....=.=...I was not dare to jump into the river,therefore i chose another path-go by the mud....Since my shoes(and every1) already covered by mud,therefore i dont mind to make it more dirtier. The mud is 'awesome'...if girl jump inside it sure cannot climb out and reach her waist.....When i was going to get down the mud, i hold the plants to gain support. But suddenly i slipped and direct impact with the mud. This is nothing as just the mud reach my legs only but my hand....injured due to friction with the plants. And then, I suddenly begin to sink inside the mud and luckily my friends just beside me pull me off. But they are also sinking and we help each other. Thats teamwork!!!...After that, we quickly walk to the sand based area. After we reach there, every1 take off their shoes except me....=.= If i take it off i don have hands to do other task. Although my shoes is 'slightly' clean by the river water, but there are many sands in the bottom of my shoes that makes my shoes heavier and more spiky. Nevermind, just take it as leg muscle training like yixiang does....^^ Then we continue our journey by walking through mud and sand-based area simultaneously. Finally we reach our camp site(our camp site also beside the river) and every1 have a good bath(except me) and take a good sleep(except me 2). During bath, every1 got bring their towel except me...=.=...therefore i borrow from Seng Zhong. Then, i always be the last 1 to take bath and everytime i go in there are no more water left...therefore only can bath fast with limited water. During sleeping, there is many flies due to our dirty shoes. I wonder why them can sleep so sweet as so many flies while i was keep distracted by those pest. My chinese friends also cant sleep due to those pest....^^ But I'm abnormally still feel energetic although lack of sleep and injury. Both of them like half dead zombie....^^

At 6pm, our next activity is train our panic heart. It say so but actually it is just a activity to let you relax yourself. They claim that we need to hold each other hand and let water flow bring us to somewhere.They will signal us if something happen. They also said that we must not panic and although the flow is fast we must stay still until saved by them.  Yes it is but the flow is damn slow and we just sleep on the water surface during the activity. Quite relaxing activity  as u can lay on the river surface and watch the beautiful sky.

Finally is dinner time. Still, the food is unfair to us chinese. Indians can get about the same quota with them but us?  Shit!!! Nevermind 我忍!!! Please be fair.

Next activity is at midnight. This activity is the best of all and it is awesome!!! The activity is solo walk. We are requested to walk into the jungle alone without any light aided. The only light source is the half moon which is blocked by the leaves. Therefore it can be sayed that there are totally no light source. Only a rope is a guide for you. Before the activity begin there is a tutorial. The faci talk about ghost story first to make all of us nervous. After that we sit on the ground and go in the forest 1 by 1. I waited(should say slept and wait) for about 2 hours then reach my turn....Excited!!! Happy!!! At first I walk with a faci. Then reach the 0 checkpoint then i hold the rope and requested to walk into the jungle ALONE with the aid of that rope. Inside the jungle u really cant saw anything except your hand and the rope(but blur). You can listen to many kinds of animal sound and of course, your footsteps sound. After i reach first checkpoint i continue to final checkpoint. The path from first to final checkpoint is way more longer. At here i begin feel slightly nervous. Suddenly, i saw red light. A few steps later, i saw something white and shiny beside me. Hah...the red light once you saw it you will know that is man made. The white shiny thing it dont have the body shape, therefore nothing special. After i reach my destination, we discuss about our path. Really, every1 see it. This lead to a conclusion that it is 100% man-made. Haha quite fun actually, walk alone inside the forest.

After finish this activity, dawn coming. We quickly packed up our luggage and prepare to return university. Thats our camp.

After - Well, this session is opinion. This camp is ok, but the food, really, dont so racist. We are human 2, and we are students of UMP. Darn it. Nothing to write, but improvement is needed. The camp i think should giv a normal camp and every1 get the chance to set up the camp. Thats all.

Friday 1 July 2011

3 June 2011-A Letter From Father And Mother....

终于,地狱迎新会进入最后一天了。今天好一点,我闹钟set 5点钟,一起来关闹钟时,窗口外就有Senior骑着电单车,用很闲的语气对着大声公说:‘Bangun.....Bangun......’哈哈,就和昨天一样,要穿的衣裤都准备好了,只需要刷牙,洗脸及换衣服便可出发了。同时也和昨天一样,太过自立的自己一早准备好就坐在门口,等我屋的其他5位绅士。OMG,他们真的厉害,又赖床啦又摸这个摸那个啦,一摸就摸了半个小时。那个Senior我替他感到又闲又可怜,在那半个小时不知他饶了多少圈,用他那一条线的声音喊着同一句话(Bangun......=.=)。就因为他,我更想睡了。想想看,一个人用一条线的声音喊,就等于睡眠曲,哪怕他一直喊Bangun,我就一直想Tidur。

过后,我们就坐巴士去吃早餐。吃了早餐后,也和平时差不多,就不想讲了。今天唯一特别点的是看了一部很有意义的短片。那短片的名字是‘A Letter From Mom And Dad',他讲述了当父母老了,临终前要对孩子说的话。那短片说明了父母对孩子的各种感情与感谢,虽然老了被他们嫌弃。那部短片读者们应该去看,即有意义又非常感动。我看了那部短片后,我就想,身为一个儿子的我有没有资格?我的父母会不会因为我而含恨而终?好了,过去就算了,最重要是未来,应该好好孝顺他们,那怕他们变得软弱,痴呆都好,我都不应该嫌弃他们,尽我所能去陪他们过最后一段开心的日子。如果他们老了而孩子不孝顺,含恨而终,那是试一件多么可悲的事。试想想,当你老了,孩子不陪你走最后一程,一直嫌弃你,说你没用,一直给你无形的压力,那你不变成死也死得不瞑目?我个人觉得我们应该学会爱我们的父母先,才去谈男女之情。
